This is a general overview, and specific details may vary depending on your situation. Florand Mediation is here to help answer questions about how Mediation can help you resolve disputes and put an agreement in place for Alimony, or other common family concerns such as Parenting Plans, Dissolution of Marriage, Paternity, Prenups and Postnups. Call for a Free 30-Minute Phone Consultation.

Florida alimony laws went through a significant update in July 2023, so it's important to have the latest information. Here's how alimony works in Florida under the new legislation:

Types of Alimony:

* Bridge-the-gap alimony: Short-term (up to 2 years) to help the lower-earning spouse adjust to living independently.

* Rehabilitative alimony: Up to 5 years to allow the lower-earning spouse to acquire education or training for financial independence.

* Durational alimony: For a set period based on the marriage length (max 50% for short-term, 60% for moderate-term, 75% for long-term marriages). Aims to maintain the receiving spouse's reasonable needs within the marriage standard.

* Permanent alimony: No longer awarded in new cases as of July 2023. Existing permanent alimony awards may continue unless modified by the court upon substantial change in circumstances.

Factors Considered for Awarding Alimony:

* Financial needs of both spouses: Income, assets, debts, earning capacity, and expenses.

* Length of the marriage: Longer marriages generally increase the likelihood and duration of alimony.

* Standard of living during the marriage: The receiving spouse may be entitled to maintain a similar lifestyle after divorce.

* Contribution of each spouse to the marriage: Homemaking, childcare, and career support can be considered.

Age and health of both spouses: May affect earning capacity and needs.

Important Points:

* The court has broad discretion in determining alimony awards, considering all relevant factors.

* Alimony awards can be modified or terminated upon significant changes in circumstances, like remarriage, cohabitation, or substantial change in income.

Remember, this is a general overview, and specific details may vary depending on your situation. Florand Mediation is here to help answer questions about how Mediation can help you resolve disputes and create agreements for Alimony, Parenting Plans, Dissolution of Marriage, Paternity, Prenups and Postnups. Call for a Free 30-Minute Phone Consultation.